Maybe She Had The Fish

I flew to Vegas this afternoon on my favorite airline, Southwest, and they got us here 20 minutes early. But just as we landed, a flight attendant told everyone to stay seated and asked if there were any medical personnel onboard. A young physician stood up and they asked him to help with a woman […]

Final Table #174: WSOP Begins + Ed Miller

Final Table #174: WSOP Begins + Ed Miller

Today on the Final Table, we began our coverage of the 2012 World Series Of Poker, which got underway Sunday at the Rio in Las Vegas. We analyzed 3 key hands Dennis played in the first open event yesterday ($1,500 buy-in no-limit hold’em), discussed why turnout wasn’t as big as expected, and explained the new […]

In Case You Missed It

From my Twitter feed… US News’ Rick Newman explains why Mitt Romney can’t possibly do what he says he’ll do on Day 1 of his presidency. Another class action suit (involving Groupon) where customers get almost nothing, lawyers get almost everything.

ABC News Now Or Never

ABC News Now Or Never

Why hasn’t ABC gotten into the 24-hour news business vs. NBC, Fox, and CNN? Corporate parent Disney does have a channel called ABC News Now which offers programming around the clock, but it’s never gotten the effort from the company, which doesn’t use its big-sister network’s stars (Diane Sawyer, George Stephanapolous, Robin Roberts, the “Nightline” […]

Reading Recommendation

Reading Recommendation

When I picked up Warren Littlefield’s “Top Of The Rock,” I thought it was going to be a memoir by the former NBC programming executive who steered the network through its Must See TV heyday. It turns out to be an oral history of those years with Littlefield’s memories interspersed with those of the actors, […]