Best Thing I’ve Read Today

Best Thing I’ve Read Today

Shockingly, Rolling Stone’s 50 Worst Decisions In The Last 50 Years Of American Politics don’t all involve Trump and his acolytes. Here’s one of my favorites.

A Political Shocker

A Political Shocker

In which I express total surprise that a guy who never had more chance of becoming president than you do has dropped out of the race.

Thoughts And Prayers

Thoughts And Prayers

From a group called Mothers For Democracy, this is the most creative and compelling political message I’ve seen in a long time.

Poll Dancing

Poll Dancing

Here’s why I don’t believe the recent presidential preference poll showing Donald Trump a few points ahead of Joe Biden — with a full year to go before the actual election.

A Different Kennedy Curse

A Different Kennedy Curse

Here’s why RFK Jr. announcing he’s running for president as an independent should scare the hell out of Biden supporters — and every other rational American.

Just Say He Froze

Just Say He Froze

Memo to news outlets: you don’t have to use this ridiculous qualifier when showing the new video of Mitch McConnell freezing.

Never Had A Chance

Never Had A Chance

You probably missed the news of a presidential candidate ending his campaign yesterday. In fact, it’s unlikely you even knew he was running.

Rudy’s New Low

Rudy’s New Low

Until tonight, you had your choice of Lowest Moments In Rudy Giuliani’s Life. But if you thought he couldn’t push the bar even lower, you were wrong. Read on.

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