The Kreskin Question

The Kreskin Question

Upon hearing of the death of The Amazing Kreskin, I flash back to a reader’s question about his mentalism claims — and a Movie You Might Not Know which he inspired.

Randi’s Pulse

Randi’s Pulse

It’s been a long time since I posted anything from my old friend James Randi, so here’s an appearance he made on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show” on November 3, 1987.

Massive Psychic Failure

Massive Psychic Failure

It’s been a long time since I wrote anything about the con artists who claim to be psychics, but I can’t pass up the opportunity to mention The Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project, which reveals how lousy their ability to see the future has been.

Remembering Randi

Remembering Randi

I don’t have a lot of people I call heroes, but James “The Amazing” Randi certainly qualified. He was also a friend, a frequent radio guest, and a relentless promoter of rational thinking. Here are a few of my memories of him upon his death this week.

John Oliver Takes On Psychic Mediums

John Oliver Takes On Psychic Mediums

If you’re a regular reader of this site — or if you listened to my radio show — you know how much I detest the frauds who call themselves psychics. That’s why I was happy to see John Oliver take on those lowlifes during his HBO show Sunday night.

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