A Homeopathy Lawsuit
Here’s some info on a lawsuit the Center For Inquiry has filed against one of the largest manufacturers of homeopathic “remedies” for deceiving the public with useless products that aren’t medicine.
Here’s some info on a lawsuit the Center For Inquiry has filed against one of the largest manufacturers of homeopathic “remedies” for deceiving the public with useless products that aren’t medicine.
Remember all those vaccine-deniers and rightwing wackos who kept asserting Ivermectin was a miracle cure for COVID-19? Now, there’s a comprehensive, peer-reviewed study of its effectiveness, which (shocker!) turns out to be not at all.
My reaction to the overreaction — on Wall Street, Main Street, and the media — that accompanied the news about a new coronavirus variant.
My wife and I got our third COVID vaccine shots the other day. That’s a sentence Aaron Rodgers can’t say. Here are my thoughts on both of those subjects.
A Newsmax host is the latest loudmouth to make an absolutely ridiculous claim about COVID vaccines. As soon as I heard what he said, I was reminded of a segment of my radio show from several years ago.
An excerpt from a piece by Bruce Barry who, like me, has had it with people who refuse to get vaccinated, and insists we stop using the word “hesitant” to describe them.