Their Ends Justify Their Means
I explain how the GOP worked for years to get Roe v Wade overturned, even if it took putting a nut job in the White House and SCOTUS nominees lying to the Senate.
Petition Grievances
What does a popular 18-year-old YouTube personality have to do with last week’s recall election in California? It comes down to one word: petitions. Let me explain.
A Cautionary Joe Manchin Tale
An episode of “The West Wing” came to mind as a cautionary tale about Joe Manchin, the senator who’s blocking his Democratic colleagues from killing the filibuster and passing a new voting rights act.
Best Thing I’ve Read Today
Amanda Marcotte on CNN finally firing Rick Santorum, but faced with the dilemma of finding a reasonable Republican to replace him on its opinion panels.
Madeleine Albright
With the news of the death at 84 of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, I dug into my audio archives to find a conversation I had with her in 2008 about her role in the Clinton presidency, issues with Iraq and Iran, and US policies towards Saudi Arabia.
A Law Firm For Our Times
Comedy Central took out full-page ads for “The Daily Show” in today’s NY Times and LA Times promoting Trevor Noah & Associates & Sons, a law firm for those who stormed the Capitol on 1/6. Here’s what it says.
Don’t Give Him Credit
I saw an article claiming the decline in ratings for the cable news networks in the second quarter of this year compared to the same period last year was proof that those outlets missed having Trump drive viewership. Nope, that’s wrong.
POTD: Randy, Ted, and Lindsey
For the Picture Of The Day, Randy Rainbow strikes gold again with a video that serves as a reminder: Ted Cruz only likes Mexicans when they’re bringing him a frosty beverage poolside in Cancun.