Asi Wind’s Magic Circle
On the recommendation of a magician I respect, we went to see Asi Wind’s intimate new show, full of card magic, sleight of hand, and mentalism. Here’s my review.
On the recommendation of a magician I respect, we went to see Asi Wind’s intimate new show, full of card magic, sleight of hand, and mentalism. Here’s my review.
Ben Seidman, an expert at sleight of hand, analyzes some of the moves and tricks used in scenes from “My Cousin Vinny,” “Focus,” “Ocean’s 8,” “The Prestige,” and more.
I’m so sorry to hear of the death of legendary magician/mentalist Max Maven. I was proud to have met him a few times, and even happier to have seen him work. Click for more.
While watching Penn & Teller’s “Fool Us” the other night — as we have for a decade — an idea occurred to me that I’m surprised hasn’t been exploited yet. I give way this million-dollar idea here.
I don’t have a lot of people I call heroes, but James “The Amazing” Randi certainly qualified. He was also a friend, a frequent radio guest, and a relentless promoter of rational thinking. Here are a few of my memories of him upon his death this week.
Here are my reviews of two magic shows and two plays, produced via Zoom for viewing at home during the pandemic, we’ve watched recently.