Nov 11, 2017 | Comedians, Movies, podcasts, Television
This week on the showbiz segment of my show, Max and I reviewed the new version of “Murder On The Orient Express” and its all-star cast. Then we discussed the just-released statement by Louis CK about his sexual misconduct, the effect he had on his victims, whether he’ll ever return to the comedy stage, and […]
Oct 29, 2017 | Comedians, Music
My wife and I spent the last two evenings at the Fox Theater having a great time. Friday night, we were there for Jerry Seinfeld, who maintains his rank as the best standup comedian of our time. His writing is brilliant — every word, phrase, sentence, pause, action — and his execution on stage is […]
Oct 22, 2017 | Comedians, Television
I’ve become a big John Mulaney fan over the last couple of years. I didn’t watch his Fox sitcom, (which only ran for a dozen or so episodes in 2014), but discovered him via his Netflix standup special, “The Comeback Kid.” I was impressed by his writing, delivery, and attitude. Then I found “Oh, Hello” […]
Oct 3, 2017 | Authors, Comedians, podcasts
Long before there was a Funny Bone or a Helium Comedy Club or the Comedy Store or the Comic Strip or Yuk Yuk’s, there was a place in Hell’s Kitchen in New York called The Improv. It was started by Budd Friedman, who I met a couple of years ago when I was in LA […]
Sep 3, 2017 | Comedians, Picture of the Day
The most famous routine by comedian Shelley Berman, who died last week, is a masterful piece of timing and one-sided storytelling… Previously on Harris Online… When I talked to Kliph Nesteroff about his book, “The Comedians,” I asked him if Bob Newhart stole Shelley Berman’s talk-on-the-telephone act (12/18/15).
Aug 12, 2017 | Authors, Comedians, Movies, podcasts
My conversation with Robert Bader about the Marx Brothers, who he writes about in the book, “Four Of The Three Musketeers.”